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Find The Right Food For Your Dog


Choosing the Best Diet for Your Dog

Choosing the Best dog food these days is a monumental task. There are hundreds of brands catering to every breed and size.


Choose a Quality Brand:


Nutritional food for your dog starts with a quality brand and quality ingredients. Choosing what’s best begins with reading the label, just like food for humans. Plenty of brands sell dog food only to make a dollar, be diligent in your search. The difference between premium and budget dog food is not the amount of protein, but the quality of the source. All proteins are not created equal. It is vitally important to choose a food that your dog finds easy to digest.


The six basic nutritional needs for any dog:









Choose the Best Ingredients:


Dog food ingredients are processed by weight to determine the end product. Remember: meat holds a lot of water, which means a lot of the nutrients are lost during processing. Select the food with the best “whole food ingredients.” Try to select a low-calorie diet for an indoor dog. Indoor dogs generally have low energy output. Low calories per cup should be sufficient. High-calorie diets should be reserved, for dogs with a lot of energy requirements. Meat is always a main ingredient in dog food, however, grains, fruit and vegetables are a good source of nutrients.




The nutritional needs of a puppy are going to be different than those of a full grown dog. When choosing the best food for your companion, it is a good idea to keep a dog on one brand throughout their different life cycles.


Always consult your veterinarian, to help with decisions on your dog’s best nutritional needs.


Is Raw Pet Food Right?


Many pet owners still have doubts about feeding their dog a diet of raw meats, bones, vegetables, and fruit and it is easy to understand that if you have been feeding your dog packaged and processed food for as long as you can remember. Read on to see what some of the experts have to say about the pros and cons of a raw pet food diet, which actually has become more popular in recent years, as pet owners realize just how healthy and tasty it can be.


How did the "raw pet food" concept come about?


Greyhounds that were used for racing were at one time the only animals that followed a raw pet food diet. Eventually, Ian Billinghurst, a vet, suggested that dogs should follow the BARF diet. BARF was short for bones and raw food. The acronym could have also stood for biologically appropriate raw food.


Why Did People Believe Pets Would Benefit From A Raw Pet Food Diet


According to Billinghurst, dogs would grow healthily if they were given a diet that had its origins in the time when dogs had only a particular type of food to eat and no true alternatives. He added that a dog would remain truly healthy in case the pet had a diet comprising vegetables, fruits, and raw meat. Dogs that depended on the every day, more common, domesticated diet would simply won't be as healthy.


Why Is A Raw Pet Food Diet Controversial


Raw pet food has its share of positives and negatives, like any other human or pet diet. Some experts strongly believe packaged dog food items are the best things one can feed a dog. The other school of thought insists on feeding pets with raw food for their general health and overall development. Listed below are raw pet food's pros and cons:

Pros of the diet:


• Great for the coat and skin
• Teeth are cleaner and healthier looking
• Increased energy levels
• Shorter bowel movements

If you want your dog to have cleaner and better-looking teeth, skin and coat, as well as shorter bowel movements and more energy, then consider putting them on a raw diet.


The Cons


• Raw meat could have bacteria content
• Dogs can easily choke if they eat a whole bone
• Eating whole bones may lead to choking


If any of those disadvantages are too much for you to handle, then don't consider putting them on the diet.

The All natural dog food diet isn't necessarily the best solution for every dog, and as a dog owner, it's up to you to consider the pros and cons, do your research and make the best possible choice.

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